
Chen Qiang
发布时间: 2014-11-04 浏览次数: 642

Personal Information

Chen Qiang,male, Doctor, Professor, Shanghai University of Engineering Science.+86-21-67791117, sues_chen@sues.edu.cn.

Research Fields

Chen Qiang received his B.S. in Geophysics and Computer Science in 1986 from Yangtz University , Hubei, China , M.S. in Geophysics in 1997 from Yangtze University,and a PhD in Geophysics in 2001 from Tongji University ,Shanghai China.

Dr. Chen has been with the department of Computer Science at the Shanghai University of Engineering Science , China from 2004 where he has been doing teaching and research in Engineering Computation, Computer Network Security, cloud computing and big data analytics.

Main research interest now is Engineering Computation in electromagneticssimulation , cloud computing and big data analytics and information system integration

Research Achievements

1 “Research of Fiber-optic Gyroscope Random Drift Model Based on Wolf Pack Algorithm”, is accepted by JCIT: Journal of Convergence Information Technology (ISSN: 1975-9320). 11,2014

2 'Variable Optimization in Stepwise Bayes Discriminant Analysis of Mud Logging Data' has been received by Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (being peer reviewed),2014

3'The Key Techniques on 3D geological formation visualization system' has been received by Computers & Geosciences (being peer reviewed)2014

4 Chen Qiang,Pattern Recognition by DTW and Series Data Mining in 3D Stratum Modelling and visualization,IEEE -2008- proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'08) The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'08) 25-27 August 2008, Jinan, China

5 Chen Qiang . Ma Zaitian “Well Constrained Inversion Based on “Well-logging Interface Parameter” and Its Application ,Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science),Vol.34.No.8: 1117-1120.Aug 2006

6 Chen Qiang ,The design and Realization of Spatial Decision Making System in E-government, Journal of Computer Science ,China,Vol.32.No.9A 2005

7 Chen Qiang . ” Spatial Information Service Model in crossflat based on Web Service” ,in Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, vol. 31: pp. 354–355, 2003.

8 DipSeis V3.0 :State software copyright registration(No. 2007SR00878)

Projects and Reward

1 OGA-9000 Mud logging oil&gas analysis system based on Web using C# , sponsored by Sinopec ,2011-2015

2 “Johnsun Stratum 3 dimension (3D) modeling and visualization” 3 level Science and technology progress rewarded by China Petroleum and Chemical automationassociation ,2010

3 Seismic Oil&Gas Prediction and Evaluation Method and Software on Carbonate in the South China 2008-2012., sponsored by Sinopec

4 “Well-logging analysis system on Dec Alpha Workstation” sponsored by Sinopec, 3 level Science and technology progress rewarded by Sinopec, China ,2004,using C/C++ with Unix/X-window/Motif

5 “HPC and intelligent computation in complex engineering”, sponsored by Shanghai Education Commission 2008
