In order to promote the improvementof educational and teaching abilities of new teachers, and in conjunction withthe construction of teacher ethics and style on the occasion of the 40thTeacher's Day, on the afternoon of September 13th, the School of Electronic andElectrical Engineering held a symposium on "Understanding the Spirit ofEducators and Enhancing the Educational and Teaching Abilities of NewTeachers" at the Transportation Center 1002 for new teachers in 2023 and2024. Fan Junhui, Secretary of the Party Committee of the college, Li Yuanyuan,Dean, Wang Xiaojun, Vice Dean, and Shi Yiping, representative of the teachingsupervisor and retired teacher, attended the meeting. The heads of variousdepartments and teaching supervisors, as well as new teachers in 2023 and 2024,also attended the meeting. The symposium was chaired by Fan Junhui, theSecretary of the Party Committee of the college.
Secretary Fan Junhui pointed outthat firstly, one must love teaching, teach according to students' aptitude,and educating students is the foundation of a teacher's character; Secondly, wemust strictly adhere to the bottom line and red line of teacher ethics andconduct, always remember our teacher identity, and teach by example and words;Thirdly, we must have the concept of a big collective, adhere to the workconsciousness of mutual achievement between individuals and collectives, andactively participate in collective work; Fourthly, we must inherit theengineering culture, keep in mind our job responsibilities, concentrate onaccumulation, and strengthen sedimentation.
Dean Li Yuanyuan shared the"Six Ones" project for teacher professional development: reading agood book, preparing a good lesson plan, attending a good class, grading a goodclass of homework, researching a field, and conducting teaching research. Shehopes that new teachers can use this to write good textbooks, publish goodteaching papers, build first-class courses, and convey good teaching andresearch literacy to students.
Vice Dean Wang Xiaojun pointed outthat firstly, we need to study the school's rules and regulations, clarify thered line and bottom line, secondly, we need to participate more in the publicwelfare work of the departments, and thirdly, we need to plan our time reasonably,focus on accumulation, and make steady progress.
Shi Yiping, the representative ofthe teaching supervisor, shared her valuable experience of 36 years in thefield of education. She continuously learns during the teaching process, nevergives up when faced with setbacks, and uses her strong will to love her job andbe a teacher who is popular among students.
The attending teachers studied theeducational short film "The 'Big Mr.' in the Eyes of GeneralSecretary" together and exchanged ideas on their own teaching, research,work planning, and other aspects.