Inorder to host the 2024 mid year work conference of the Electronic Informationand Electrical Engineering Professional Certification Committee, on August 9th,the school office, academic affairs office, quality office, responsible personsof the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, relevant leaders,teachers, student volunteers, etc. attended the coordination meeting, which waschaired by Li Yuanyuan, the president of the School of Electrical Engineering.

At thecoordination meeting, Li Yuanyuan, Dean of the School of ElectricalEngineering, first thanked the leaders of the school office, academic affairsoffice, and quality office for their strong support for this work. Then, basedon the meeting schedule, she provided a detailed introduction to the progressof the preliminary preparation work.
DirectorWang Jiajie of the school office carried out task implementation for detailsand made relevant arrangements for the key work of the conference. Theattendees had detailed discussions on the preparation details of theconference. All departments will make every effort to organize the conferenceand ensure the smooth progress of the mid-2024 work conference and expertseminar of the Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering ProfessionalCertification Committee.