
The PartyCommittee of the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering organizedteachers, students, and party members to watch the grassroots theoreticallectures and backbone training courses on studying and implementing the spiritof the Third Ple
发布时间: 2024-08-10 浏览次数: 10


On August 8, the Shanghai TrainingCourse on Grassroots Theory of the Study and Implementation of the Spirit ofthe Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Partyof China was held in the Shanghai Social Science Hall. The training courseinvited Guo Qingsong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Universityof Applied Technology, and Shen Kaiyan, Director of the Institute of Economicsof the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, to make guidance reports on"The glorious political declaration shining with the truth of Marxism -in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session ofthe 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" and "givefull play to the role of economic system reform and build an institutionalmechanism to promote high-quality development - the interpretation of thespirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of theParty" respectively. The Party Committee of the School of Electronic andElectrical Engineering seriously organized teachers and students to watch andlearn online and aroused a warm response.

Zhao Mengying, Deputy Secretary ofthe Party Committee of the College and Secretary of the Third Party Branch ofGraduate Students, stated that as educators in universities, we must alwaysbear in mind the fundamental task of cultivating virtue and talent, activelyexplore innovative talent training models, pay attention to cultivatingstudents' innovative spirit and practical ability, resolutely implement theParty's education policy, contribute to the development and progress of theCollege by cultivating socialist builders and successors with comprehensivedevelopment in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor,and effectively implement it in all aspects of university education work.

Wang Xiaojun, member of the PartyCommittee and Vice Dean of the college, said that by optimizing the allocationof educational resources, promoting educational equity and quality improvement,universities should become an important engine for innovation drivendevelopment. As a university teacher, we should constantly update our teachingphilosophy, adopt modern teaching methods, strengthen the integration ofindustry and education, create more innovative practical opportunities forstudents, cultivate their ability to solve complex problems, and providesociety with more high-quality engineering application-oriented innovativetalents.

Gao Yongbin, member of the PartyCommittee, Vice Dean, and Secretary of the Intelligent Manufacturing TackleParty Branch of the college, stated that as a university teacher andresearcher, through in-depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series ofnew ideas, viewpoints, and judgments on comprehensively deepening reform, wemust pay more attention to the fundamental and strategic pillar roles ofeducation, technology, and talent, cultivate talents for the country, carry outorganized scientific research, promote the development of new qualityproductive forces, and serve the process of Chinese style modernization.
