Hu Lingyan
Professor,PHD supervisor, Ph.D Email:

Welcometo apply for PHD program
Outstandingeducators in innovation and entrepreneurship in Chinese universities, member ofthe Chinese Medical Association Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation CreditAssociation, provincial and ministerial expert, and head of the JiangxiProvince VR Industry Innovation Excellent Talent Team "Intelligent CloudRehabilitation System Based on Virtual Reality" .
Since2002, I have been engaged in artificial intelligence research such as virtualreality, human-computer interaction, and robotics. Presided over 3 NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, completed the National 863 Program(responsible for the sub-project of force feedback stability control), andpresided over more than 10 provincial projects. I have published more than 40papers in total, including 20 SCI journal papers in important internationaljournals such as "IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation &Measurement", and etal. I have applied for more than 20 invention patentsas the first inventor, and 4 invention patents have been authorized. I havebeen authorized more than 10 software copyrights.
Thecore technologies and research achievementsmainly include:
1)Intelligent cloud rehabilitation productsbased on virtual reality(Fig.1): VR teachingtraining and evaluation integrated rehabilitation system and intelligent VRactive and passive rehabilitation system. The second-generation prototypes ofthe two products are already undergoing clinical trials in preparation fortheir Class III medical device registration.
2)The brain surgery virtual surgerysimulation system developed by the National 863 Programwas identified as reaching the international leading level in terms ofimmersion and visual fidelity, and was designated by the Ministry of Scienceand Technology to participate in the 2016 China International Industry Fair.The virtual surgery systems are shown as Fig.2.
3)Mobile collaborative robot and teleoperation system(Fig.3).
4)Thebronchoscope intelligent auxiliary diagnosis system canautomatically classify endobronchial tuberculosis under the bronchoscope(Fig.4).
5)Thedigital twin systems for pharmaceutical industry(Fig.5).
2022-nowProfessor, School of Electronica and Electrical Engineering,Shanghai Universityof Engineering Science, China
2002-2021Professor, The dean of the department of Automation, School of InformationEngineering, Nanchang University, China
2014.12-2015.12Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering andNeuroArm lab, University of Calgary, Canada
Therepresentative papers as the first author or corresponding author:
1. Finite-Time Switching Resilient Control for Networked Teleoperation Systemwith Time-Varying Delays and Random DoS Attacks. IEEETransactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems,v2, p232-243, 2024.(EI, First author)
2. Avortex method of 3D smoke simulation for virtual surgery. Computer Methods andPrograms in Biomedicine, 2021, 198(12):105813. (SCI, First author)
3. Multi-featurefusion method based on WOSF and MSE for four-class MI EEG identification,Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2021, 69(8): 102907.(SCI, Firstauthor)
4.Second-order adaptive integral terminal sliding mode approach to trackingcontrol of robotic manipulators[J]. IET Control Theory & Applications, 15(17) , pp.2145-2157. Nov 2021. (SCI, Corresponding author)
5.The Maximum Output Force Controller and Its Application to a Virtual SurgerySystem, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2018, 15(2):1729881418765881-10. (SCI, First author)
6.A Target Grabbing Strategy for Telerobot Based on Developed Stiffness DisplayDevice. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2017, 4(4): 88-94, (Top journal,Corresponding author)
Outstandingeducators in innovation and entrepreneurship in Chinese universities.
Thebest paper award and excellent oral presentation at 2024 World RehabilitationRobot Convention, “Upper limb rehabilitation device based on adaptive impedancecontrol”, 2024, Shanghai.
Themain intellectual property rights:
1.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent, Surgical simulationmethod of stable control. CN201510698252.0,2018.12. Authorized.
2.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent, Anultrasonic array obstacle avoidance system applied to a mobile platform, 201710068766.7, 2018.11.1, Authorized.
3.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent, Inspectionrobots that can adapt to unstructured terrain, ZL 2014 1 0065048.0,2017.11, Authorized..
4.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent, a softtissue puncture force modeling method based on segmented artificial neuralnetwork, 201910155896.3, 2019.3. Authorized.
5.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent. A virtualreality human rehabilitation training system based on IMU inertial navigationsensor, 2021104369462,2021.04.
6.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent, braincontrol system based on non-invasive brain-computer interface and itsimplementation method, 202121029486.3,2021.5.14.
7. HULingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent, An upper lime rehabilitation trainingsystem based on virtual reality, 202211354330.1, 2022.11.
8.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent, Aleft-right hand exchange mechanism and an upper limb exoskeleton rehabilitationrobot, 202211471272.0, 2022.11.
9.ZHANG Jiayu, HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese inventionpatent, Upper limb joint mobility assessment system, 202210550368.X, 2022.5.
10.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent, Amulti-channel bipolar functional electrical stimulation circuit, 202211708119.5, 2022.12.
11.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent, AdaptiveSimulation of fluid-solid coupling simulation method, CN202310505285.3. 2023.5.6.
12.HOU Huiming, HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese inventionpatent. A continuous thermoplastic coating method and equipment with the lowermold cyclic motion, 202410159913.1, 2024.5.
13.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent, A classificationmethod, device and equipment for endobronchial tuberculosis. 202411058052.4,2024.10.
14. HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese inventionpatent. A cloud service platform for endobronchial tuberculosis auxiliarydiagnosis. 202411420078.9,2024.10.
15.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent. Alightweight motor-driven tool change device, 202411378663.7, 2024.11.
16.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent. Adaptivefunctional electrical stimulation method and device for rehabilitationtraining, 202410859539.6, 2024.6.
17.HU Lingyan, etal. Chinese invention patent, Neuro-muscular collaborativerehabilitation training method and device based on functional electricalstimulation, 202410945509.7, 2024.7.
18.HU Lingyan, etal. Software copyright. Endobronchial tuberculosis intelligent diagnosissystem combined ResNet and convolutional attention, 2024R11L2469374,2024.10.
19.HU Lingyan, etal. Software copyright. Intelligent upper limb rehabilitationtraining and evaluation system based on VR, 2024SR0843927, 2024.1.
20.Software copyright. Robot control virtual simulation platform for thepharmaceutical industry based on digital twin technology, 2023R11L2549007, 2023.11.
21.Software copyright. Robotic arm grasping software based on SSD pose detectionof target objects, 2023R11L2084691, 2023.10.
22.Software copyright. Multi-feature fusion EEG signal recognition platform basedon LMD and CSP, 2021.7, Authorized..
23.Software Copyright. Auxiliary diagnosis system for tracheobronchialtuberculosis based on convolutional neural network, 2021.4
Mainprojects :
1.Presided over the project “Key Technologies andIndustrialization of Mobile Collaborative Robots” from Science and TechnologyCommission of Shanghai
2.“Research on Artificial IntelligenceAssisted Endoscopic Diagnosis” Key Project of Science and Technology Innovationfrom Jiangxi Provincial Health Commission
3.Presided over the National Natural Science Foundationof China "Research on the Fast and Accurate, Robust Master-SlaveTrajectory Tracking and High-Fidelity Force Feedback of Teleoperated SurgicalRobot Based on Virtual Simulation Prediction", 2020-2023.
4.Presided over the National Natural Science Foundationof China "Research on the Network Control Method of Multi-Master-SlaveTeleoperated Robots in Complex Environments", 2016.1-2019.12, completed.
5.Presided over the National Natural Science Foundationof China "Research on Force Feedback in Master-Slave Teleoperation RobotSystem Based on Augmented Reality", 2016-2020, completed.
6.Completed the National 863 Program "Research onKey Technologies of Brain Surgery Virtual Surgery Simulation and TrainingSystem", responsible for the sub-project of force feedback stabilizationcontrol algorithm, 2013.1-2017.12, completed.
7.Presided over the VR innovation talent team project of Jiangxi ProvincialDepartment of Human Resources and Social Security "R&D Team ofIntelligent Cloud Rehabilitation System Based on Virtual Reality", 2021.
8.Presided over Ganfeng Lithium Industry Co., Ltd. "Lava ElectrolyticLithium Automatic Collection Equipment and System Development" 2021-2022.
9.Presided over the Jiangxi Provincial Outstanding Young Talents Program Projectof Jiangxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, which has beencompleted.
10.Presided over the Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation "Researchon the Control Algorithm of Intelligent Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Robot Basedon Brain-Computer Interface" (20192BAB207029), 2019.1-2020.12. completed.

Fig.1 Intelligent Cloud RehabilitationSystem Based on Virtual Reality and robot

Fig.2 VirtualSurgery Simulation System

Fig.3 Teleoperated SurgicalRobot systems

Fig.4 Auxiliarydiagnosis system for endobronchial tuberculosis

Fig5. The digital twin systems for pharmaceuticalindustry